Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Music and Browsing with emacs

Play music with emacs:

  •       Download the mpg123 player using apt-get install command.
  •       Download the emacs lisp function source code from here.
  •       Untar the source, inside the directory you will find the file called 'mpg123.el'.
  •       Copy that file and paste into the folder /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp.
  •       Create the file .emacs into the home folder.
  •       Add the following text in that (autoload 'mpg123' "mpg123" "A Front end to mpg123" t)
  •       Save that file and open the emacs.
  •       Enter the key stroke M+x mpg123 and you will ask for the folder where  the music files are available.

Browsing with emacs:

 w3m is text based browser can be used in terminal .
  •      Download 'w3m-el' package using apt-get command.
  •      Open emacs and enter the key stroke M+x w3m.
  •      It will ask for the url and enter the url.
  •      Now you can browse through the text version of web page.

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